Closing the Loop for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Join us on our journey to reduce plastic waste. Here’s how and why we do it — every little bit counts.

The Problem

Estimates show that less than 10% of the plastic manufactured each year is recycled, with the production of material that is not typically recycled to increase by almost 4% every year until 2030. The majority of plastic ends up in oceans and landfills, posing a serious disruption to our ecosystems. Researchers estimate such plastic could take a up to 450 years or longer to biodegrade. At current rates, the plastics sector will account for 20% of total oil consumption by 2050, becoming one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.

By 2050

our oceans are expected to contain more plastic than fish.


of plastic packaging is used once.

15 million

the number of garbage trucks it would take to dispose of global waste plastic every year.

$100+ billion

the value of single use plastic thrown away each year.


the number of years it takes for plastic to decompose.

Supporting a Circular Economy

For too long, our economy has been “linear”. That means raw material is transformed into a finished product and after it ends its very short life cycle it becomes waste.

The circular economy vision and approach gives endless possibilities to create a thriving economy.

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Creating a More Sustainable Future

By improving recycling practices today, we can protect our environment and build a cleaner tomorrow.

Game Changing Approach

We recycle waste plastic into reusable products, that are otherwise destined for landfill.

  • Freepoint utilizes innovative advanced recycling technology to process plastic that is not currently recycled.
  • Our advanced recycling systems employ proven pyrolysis technology, decreasing plastic waste sent to landfills.
  • By converting plastic waste into reusable products, less oil is required to be extracted from the ground.
  • The result, a more sustainable economy, transitioning off fossil fuels.
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Each Freepoint Recycling Facility


million pounds per year of waste plastic will avoid landfills.


fewer trucks needed per year.


million pounds of new plastic will be created from recycled materials.

Each Freepoint advanced recycling facility reduces GHG emissions by the equivalent of 15,000 cars.